RE: [DNS] .biz status?

RE: [DNS] .biz status?

From: Wilkins, David <wilkind§>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:50:37 +1000

Unfortunately, given the large number of threats we received around our
trademarks and domain names we as an organization are left with two
choices.. Register defensively our brands or litigate for every breach..
Defensive registration is cheaper that even the UDRP process.

While I continue to encourage the organization as a whole to stay within the
established brands/domain names these threats mean I have little choice
unless auDA enforces the license conditions and outlaws the trading in
domain names...

Personally I agree this is a public resource and if you need the resource
you should be able to license any name you require as long as you have a
legitimate purpose and your not infringing a trademark..  I dont hold to
this concept pushed by some that domain names are real estate to be bought
and sold, that only serves the registry/registrars and generally does a
dis-service to the general community


David L. Wilkins
eCommerce Center
ANZ Banking Group Limited

** The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author **

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Andrew [mailto:nick&#167;]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:34
To: dns&#167;
Subject: Re: [DNS] .biz status?

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 09:38:34AM +1000, David Wilkins at wrote:
> As a representative for a major corporate this is madness, we are
> off discussions about how we will attack this randomization, it actually
> encourages people to register as if it was a lottery!.

You've got a domain name already; why do you need another? Just subdomain
what you've got...,, ...

Pacific Internet               SP4

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