RE: [DNS] re-delegation of .au

RE: [DNS] re-delegation of .au

From: Dassa <dasssa§>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 16:11:54 +1000
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Greg Watson [mailto:g.watson&#167;]
|> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 3:37 PM
|> To: dns&#167;
|> Subject: RE: [DNS] re-delegation of .au
|> The second competition panel report states:
|> Recommendation 4.6 – Registrants
|> ·       All registrants will be entitled to become members of auDA upon
|> licensing a domain name, without additional charge.
|> This would seem to address your concerns.

In part yes but it doesn't address the issue of individuals wishing to join
auDA without having to purchase a domain name license under .au.
Personally, although being involved in DNS issues for a number of years, I
have not purchased a domain name license under .au as I considered the
policies and pricing prohibitive.  A large number of people who could have
substantive participation may not consider purchasing a license.  There is
also the matter of informing people about this possibility when they
register a .au domain name.

However, I will refrain from further comment until I have looked over the
available information.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
Received on Wed Jun 06 2001 - 14:11:56 UTC

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