[DNS] Time for the rulestochangeregardingtransferring domainname licences

[DNS] Time for the rulestochangeregardingtransferring domainname licences

From: Lea de Groot <dotau.org§elysiansystems.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 19:37:10 +1000
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 17:22:30 +1000, magic2147&#167;optushome.com.au wrote:
> Not having a .com.au domain name does not seem to be a bar to Google 
> giving a site a 
> decent page rank any more.

For a site to appear *at all* in the 'pages from Australia' results on 
google.com.au, at least one of the following has to happen:
- use a .au domain name
- host with an IP address that Google recognises as Australian
Given that Australian hosting is still hard to find at prices 
comparable to what is available overseas, a .au domain name + foreign 
hosting is normally a cheaper way to appear in those google results 
that a .gtld + local hosting.

~ a little surprised at the flame-information ratio in this forum. A 
bit embarrassing for the industry, given the public nature of the 
Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - http://elysiansystems.com/
Brisbane, Australia
Received on Sun Sep 25 2005 - 09:37:10 UTC

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