[DNS] Cybersquatting

[DNS] Cybersquatting

From: Dassa <dassa§dhs.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:04:26 +1000
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org 
|> [mailto:dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of 
|> Deus Ex Machina
|> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:33 AM
|> To: .au DNS Discussion List
|> Subject: Re: [DNS] Cybersquatting
|> Dassa [dassa&#167;dhs.org] wrote:
|> > I prefer the following definition:
|> > Cybersquatting is the act of registering a popular Internet 
|> > address--usually a company name--with the intent of 
|> selling it to its rightful owner.
|> there is no such thing as a "rightful" owner. two or more 
|> entities can have perfectly valid claims over the same name. 
|> I think thats where people go wrong they equate a trade 
|> mark, company or business name etc as a right in the name 
|> space. no such right exists

One thing we can agree on.  The only right is to use a hostname as it was
intended to be used and not as a commodity.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch 
Received on Wed Sep 28 2005 - 10:04:26 UTC

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