DNS: Official Announcement: DNS/ADNA Meetings

DNS: Official Announcement: DNS/ADNA Meetings

From: Sandra Davey <sldavey§>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 13:18:43 -0900
G'day Everyone,

First, apologies if you are on multiple lists. This has been (or will be)
cross-posted to a number of mailing lists and newsgroups, and is an official
announcement of the DNS Forum meetings to be held in Sydney in May.

DNS Forum Meetings
Two meetings will be held at Phillips Fox Lawyers, 255 Elizabeth St, Sydney,
16 May 1997. The first is the public DNS forum and the second is the
inaugural meeting of the Australian Domain Name Authority (ADNA). There will
be a sign in the foyer to direct you to the correct floor. The public
meeting will be held from 11am - 1pm and all are encouraged to attend and

The second meeting is the inaugural meeting of ADNA and is open to ADNA members
only. For information on membership, please see
http://www.intiaa.asn.au/dns/adna-mem.htm . This meeting will commence at 2pm.

As part of the ongoing discussions currently taking place within the DNS
Forum of INTIAA (Internet Industry Association of Australia), the draft
Memorandum and Articles of Association for ADNA are online and available
for public comment. Please see http://www.intiaa.asn.au/dns/adna-mem.htm .

A version of the Memorandum and Articles incorporating all recommended changes
to date will be available Wednesday 14 May. These changes will be summarised
in another posting to the DNS list only.

Participating in Discussions
Discussion is encouraged and is taking place on the DNS mailing list. If
you are not on this list, you can subscribe by sending an email to 


with the following in the body of the message:

	subscribe dns YourEmailAddress

If any of you have private comments that you wish to make, I have
volunteered to collate these. Please direct them to me at sldavey&#167;fl.asn.au
by 9am Thursday 15 May 1997. 

Agendas for the Meetings

The Agenda for the Public Meeting incorporates only one item, discussion
of the ADNA Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The Inaugural General Meeting of ADNA will be open only to those intending
to become ADNA members, and will include the signing of the Articles, the
election of the Board and corporate officers, and discussion of ADNA's first

Please note that those intending to become members of ADNA must affix their
corporate seal to the Articles, and have them signed by a corporate officer
of sufficient authority. If it is not possible for this to occur at the
meeting, it may be possible to have the Articles distributed beforehand.
Please contact Mary-Jane Silver on (02) 9869 3060 should you require this.

Look forward to your participation.

Sandra Davey
intiaa Communications Task Force
Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 14:04:48 UTC

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