Re: DNS: ADNA Memoranda & Articles

Re: DNS: ADNA Memoranda & Articles

From: Stephen Baxter <steve§>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 16:08:07 +0930 (CST)
> Seems like this is a bit light on detail and begs questions about ADNA's
> objectives, including:
> 1.  Does ADNA intend to provide/ensure/promote or monitor
>     competition?  This isn't clear.

to provide and monitor the capacity of 
Domain Name Administrators to operate fairly in 
competition with each other in the delivery and 
registration of Domain Names in Australia;

> 2.  Specifically what powers and operational functions are
>     required to carry out (1).
> 3.  Will ADNA have a role jump-starting competition and what
>     role will it have after there's a competitive marketplace
>     of DNAs for SLDs?

The members of ADNA will decide the policy for .au .
This is good - where is it bad ?
At present .au lies with kre who has done a stirling job, ADNA
is a propossal to formalise the management of .au

There is nothing sinister in the ADNA propossal, only what people 
are reading into it. The members of ADNA will decide policy, at the moment
no-one else has a voice in that process - ADNA will give them a voice.

What is wrong with it ?

> I'd like to suggest changes to the M&A but I'm not aware of a
> consensus around these issues.
> Leni.

Stephen Baxter                            SE Network Access
SE Network Access               
Direct Internet Access                    222 Grote Street
phone : +61 8 8221 5221                   Adelaide 5000
fax   : +61 8 8221 5220

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