Re: DNS: Draft selection criteria for new DNAs and 2LDs

Re: DNS: Draft selection criteria for new DNAs and 2LDs

From: Glen Turner <glen.turner§>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 17:33:04 +0930
Simon Hackett wrote:

> ...the location of the publically visible DNS servers does
> not have to have any physical relationship to the network
> links and location of the DNA service providers.

A fair point, it is the location and stability of the
infrastructure that is of concern.  I'd be more comfortable
if there was a QoS for the 2LD servers that, in order,

  1. stability
  2. wise choice of secondaries
  3. security
  4. speed
  5. features

> Personally, I feel that mutually backing up DNS servers
> is a great example of a place where such mutual cooperation
> should remain in place, not where it should be removed

And I agree here, one thing that has been missing out of
this debate is the warm cooperativeness that accompanies
my other dealings with Internet people.

> I'll also point out that what AARNet II's physical
> design might look like is not directly related to what
> AARNet's member/customer sites might choose to do with
> consenting adult server systems located in their university
> networks (e.g. munnari running as a DNS for

If only this were true <sigh>

The stability of the AU root server is a major factor
in the AARNet2 migration planning.  For example, the
migration of the Victorian regional network was not
allowed under any circumstances to exceed four hours.

Furthermore, there are backdoor routes to munarri in
place in case the regional network should have an
extended hardware failure.

If people choose to have network-critical systems on
their networks, then of course we have to design for
that.  Anything else is putting your head in the sand.

The only other choice is to disallow such systems, in
much the same way as life- and safety-critical systems
are banned from using AARNet as a transport.

> But is it AARNet infrastructure, or university-private
> servers, we are talking about here?

As you can see from the above, one effects the other.

> Wouldn't you like all of the R&E domains backed
> up for you on those nice fast commercial servers,
> for free?

Not nearly as much as I'd like them backed up on
nice fast servers in the US.  When the ADNA process
is a bit more near completion, we should talk about
jointly funding a well-connected server on the
US east coast.

> Don't cut off your nose too fast :)

Guilty as charged, your honour :-)

glen.turner&#167;     Network Support Specialist
Tel: (08) 8303 3936            Information Technology Division
Fax: (08) 8303 4400             University of Adelaide SA 5005
...- -.- ..... --. -.. -
    --  A university is a loosely-coupled organisation --
    --  held together by a common interest in parking. --
Received on Wed Jul 23 1997 - 18:51:38 UTC

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