Re: DNS: Issues relating to

Re: DNS: Issues relating to

From: Leni Mayo <leni§>
Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 10:09:16 +1000
Kevin Dinn wrote:

> So the questions are:
> 1. Should be first come first served?
> 2. If yes - then why not make the same?
> 3. Should we create a new 2ld for first come first served instead?
> 4. Should we allow new 2lds to be launched before competing
> registrars exist?
Posted to the board earlier...

An ordinary non-profit organisation would quietly do detailed policy
work and consensus-building in the background and then come out and say
"The board has considered X and Y and puts Z to the membership for

Why can't the ADNA board say this?  Because there's no membership!  And
no plan to get one.

The ADNA board has stepped up to the plate on these issues.  Now it has
got to lead.  Not by adopting an M+A and sticking to 'em come hell or
high water.  Not by encouraging a flurry of voices on a mailing list and
calling it progress.  Not by firing bullets at those that don't agree.

The ADNA board has to lead by compromise and negotiation to gain the
authority necessary in order to take any decisions at all.

Maybe it's too late for that, I don't know.  But surely the board ought
to either try or give up and go home.

Received on Fri May 08 1998 - 11:42:36 UTC

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