DNS: FW: What is the domain-policy list for?

DNS: FW: What is the domain-policy list for?

From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming§unety.net>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:05:43 -0500

It is good to see that you are one of the leading
contributors to the InterNIC Domain Policy discussions.
Hopefully, you will be able to transfer some of your
knowledge to the people in Australia. Keep up the
good work.

Jim Fleming

From: 	Craig Simon[SMTP:cls&#167;flywheel.com]
Sent: 	Monday, May 25, 1998 11:37 AM
Subject: 	Re: What is the domain-policy list for?

Contributor names with >4 Postings since January 1 1998.
As of 11AM EST May 25 1998.

Jeff Williams               648
Adam Todd                   383
Dave Crocker                289
Richard J. Sexton           253
Jim Fleming                 199
Roeland M.J. Meyer          195
Karl Auerbach               176
Kent Crispin                160
Jay Fenello                 127
Ellen Rony                  114
Tony Rutkowski              110
Bob Allisat                 109
Marc Hurst                   94
Chuck Gomes                  87
Patrick Greenwell            86
Jim Dixon                    85
Michael Mozina               74
Wm Mark Clifford             66
John Charles Broomfi         60
Christopher Ambler           59
Eric Weisberg                49
Phil Howard                  43
/  Linda Wessel              40
Alexander von Thorn          37
Dan Steinberg                37
Phillip C. Reed              36
Craig Simon                  35
Drew Schaefer                35
Carl Oppedahl                33
Ray Hallman                  33
Antony Van Couvering         28
William X. Walsh             28
Frank Rizzo                  26
Benjamin Azevedo             25
Eugene Kashpureff            24
Robert Shaw                  23
Darrell Greenwood            22
Jeff Field                   18
Mark Henderson-Thynn         17
Stephen Schumacher           17
Paul Svensson                16
Roberto Gaetano              16
Mikael Pawlo                 15
Sally Tomms                  15
Andreas Kuckartz             14
Michael M. Krieger           14
Einar Stefferud              13
Simon Higgs                  12
Tony Hughes                  12
Dave Van Allen               11
Dan Busarow                  10
Ivan Pope                    10
Peter Mott                   10
Christopher Schroede          9
FREDERIC WILF                 9
James R. Cutler               8
WmMark Clifford               8
Newell,Tom                    7
Ross Finlayson                7
Brian                         6
Bruce Balden                  6
Gutowski,Leslie               6
Vincent Scheurer              6
Billy Biggs                   5
Gerry Robles                  5
Kelly Setzer                  5
Matthias Fichtner             5

After the close of May I'll redo this and provide a link to a page
which includes a statement of methodology, various other
disaggregations, and a brief analysis.


Craig Simon

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Received on Tue May 26 1998 - 04:53:47 UTC

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