Re: [DNS] ENOUGH is ENOUGH (fwd)

Re: [DNS] ENOUGH is ENOUGH (fwd)

From: Kim Davies <kim§>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 13:39:05 +0800
Quoting vicc&#167;
| let me tell you what is unacceptable: is that lifelines youth suicide
| prevention program is on hold becuse the URL is sitting in MR Elz queue
| and has been siting there for a week. THAT IS WHAT IS UNACCEPTABLE.

I see. Domain processing queues should be sorted on the humane "importance"
of the domain being requested... 

What's wrong with [cf. -
a youth suicide prevention website that seems to work]

| we are talking human lives here peoples. I dont care about petty nonsence
| and dns backstabing and politics I want a system that works and works prompt

It's not like is your only choice. I'm sure you've been in
the business long enough to know there is a delay in registering delays -
it's not like a "surprise" that there is a week turnaround. You can't tell
me you made assurances to lifeline that it would be registered straight
away - or did you?

| the time for volunteers staffing dns queue is finito. gone. history. O-V-E-R

Why? Look at, etc. They get turnaround times comparable to
Melbourne IT's new turnaround (sub 2 days, usually within a few hours) - and 
they still don't cost you a cent.  Are you saying that they should only 
operate if they charge money and operate as a commercial venture? That's 

| the youth suicide prevention program is an important government funded
| program and it has been sitting there waiting for a week now because the
| egos in the dns system are so large that no one is willing to budge to
| improve it.
| shall we count the number of suicides that may have been prevented in the la
| week if the entire program had not been stalled? I am ashamed to be an ISP
| at times like this.

You really are sinking low trying blaming people for deaths because your
domain name wasn't approved quickly enough. When your orders are delayed
to Telstra do you ring them up and say someone might have died because they
couldn't use the yet-to-be-provisioned phone line to make an emergency call? 

Received on Tue Jul 21 1998 - 13:39:06 UTC

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