RE: [DNS] Generic frenzy!

RE: [DNS] Generic frenzy!

From: Blinky Bill <bill78562000§>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 03:15:07 +0100 (BST)

As I understand the registration process is done
through simple perl scripts. If I was Vic I would have
replicated the submission script say 100 times with
preset application criteria then at 11:00am just press
the master button and voila 100 registrations in 5
seconds. With the experts in MelbourneIT i'm sure you
could knock something together in no time at all.
After all 100 x 500 = $50,000. Not bad for 1 hours

--- Bruce Tonkin <Bruce.Tonkin&#167;>
wrote: >  > 
> You also need to consider that there may be multiple
> applications received
> by each registrar for the same name, and it will
> depend on how they order
> their queues.  So if 10 people want the same name,
> they each use every
> registrar and each registrar has a system of equal
> performance, you could
> have a 10% chance of securing the name.  If you are
> the only one that wants
> the name (which you won't know in advance), then it
> doesn't matter whether
> you use one or more registrars, the probability is
> 100%.
> So basically - DO NOT guarantee that you can get the
> name.
> Regards,
> Bruce
> > 
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