[DNS] FW: Geographic .COM.AU names

[DNS] FW: Geographic .COM.AU names

From: David Keegel <djk§cybersource.com.au>
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 23:42:02 +1000
My opinion is that Nic Mason probably breached clause 2.6 of the Terms
and Conditions for the Commercial Geographic Names Ballot Process

My theory is that he participated in the ballot with no intention of
registering the domains for his own use, but instead with a plan to
only pay the release fee for domains where someone else was prepared
to pay him more than the release fee plus cost of registration, and
for other domains to let them lapse and hope that he didn't end up
having to pay the release fee.

(The Terms & Conditions say at 4.9.3 that if you don't pay the release
fee to the registrar within 14 days, then you remain liable to auDA to
pay the release fee, even though you lose the reservation of the name.
I don't know whether you still have to pay the release fee if auDA
or the relevant registrar use their discretion under 3.2 to revoke
your entitlement before you pay the release fee or the 14 days is up.)

I would imagine the process for dealing with this kind of situation
would be similar to that in
	auda Published Policy 2005-05 
	Prohibition on Sale of Domain Name
So, has anyone who was sent this email contacted auDA and passed on
this evidence?

On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 11:13:14AM +1000, Skeeve Stevens wrote:
> _______________________________________________________ 
> Skeeve Stevens, RHCE     Email: skeeve&#167;skeeve.org 
> Si vis pacem, para bellum 
>   _____  
> From: Nic Mason [mailto:contact&#167;nicmason.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2005 12:25 AM
> To: Nic Mason
> Cc: Nic Mason
> Subject: Geographic .COM.AU names
> I currently have the sole option to purchase the following Australian
> geographic domain names.  If anyone's interested in investing in the
> development of these names give me a call before on or before Monday 12th
> September 2005,  or they will be going back into the pool of unclaimed
> names.
> stkilda.com.au
> williamstown.com.au
> yarraville.com.au
> southyarra.com.au
> dalkeith.com.au
> darlingpoint.net.au
> kurrikurri.com.au
> fitzroy.net.au
> kurrikurri.net.au
> mosmanpark.net.au
> portmelbourne.net.au
> redhead.net.au
> southbank.net.au
> southyarra.net.au
> torquay.net.au
> vaucluse.net.au
> yarraville.net.au
> Regards,
> Nic Mason
> 0425 708 094
> +61 3 9687 0350
> PO Box 123,  Yarraville VIC 3013,  Australia
> contact&#167;nicmason.com
> www.nicmason.com

 David Keegel <djk&#167;cybersource.com.au>  http://www.cyber.com.au/users/djk/
 Cybersource P/L: Linux/Unix Systems Administration Consulting/Contracting
Received on Sat Sep 10 2005 - 13:42:02 UTC

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