[DNS] Time for the rulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences

[DNS] Time for the rulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences

From: Dassa <dassa§dhs.org>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 10:35:16 +1000
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org 
|> [mailto:dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of 
|> Deus Ex Machina
|> Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:20 AM
|> To: .au DNS Discussion List
|> Subject: Re: [DNS] Time for the 
|> rulestochangeregardingtransferringdomainnamelicences
|> Sean Finn [sean.finn&#167;ozservers.com.au] wrote:
|> > 
|> > So you mean you can factually prove the consequent, being, that by 
|> > allowing cybersquatting that it will not deny legitimate 
|> use of a domain?
|> selling domains is not cybersquating. stop mixing the two issues.
|> god bless the pessimists and the paranoids they just cant 
|> seem to seperate good from bad.

One of the problems Vic, is that the two have always gone hand in hand with
past experience.

It isn't being pessimistic or paranoid to learn from other examples such as
the gTLD's and ccTLD's.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch 
Received on Sun Sep 25 2005 - 00:35:16 UTC

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