[DNS] Changes to policy

[DNS] Changes to policy

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc§cia.com.au>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:17:59 +1000
Ron Stark [ronstark&#167;snapsite.com.au] wrote:
> If I were a cybersquatter, why would a 1-month, 6-month or any-other-month
> delay deter me in any way?  Hell, a $20 000 return on a $50 investment is
> damn good money, even if I wait 10 years!

if you are expecting a $20k return or even a $2k return investing in a business name to meet
the current policies is peanuts.

Received on Tue Sep 27 2005 - 05:17:59 UTC

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