[DNS] Domain dispute heats up

[DNS] Domain dispute heats up

From: Ron Stark <ronstarkĀ§snapsite.com.au>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 07:33:20 +1000
Government figures for new businesses in Australia is 120 000 per year.
Assuming that 100% of those elect to have a domain name, that's still only
120 000 domain names per year.  Within that 120 000 figure, some 85 000 are
home-based businesses (again, Government figures), a significant proportion
of which owners simply buy themselves a job and will never have / need a
domain name.  Real domain name take-up for new businesses?  I guess 50% at

There are also significant numbers of businesses that fail, close, stop
operating or are sold.  Some researchers put that at 75% - 80% of businesses
within a 5-year period, which means that 80% of the domain names will also

Where does that leave us?  Net growth potential for new domain names is
therefore limited.  Not by regulatory issues, real or imagined, but by the
very nature of the market itself.

I fail to see how specious arguments about .com.au or .au, or the
contrivance that somehow auDA is inhibiting market growth, have any weight.
No amount of wishful thinking will magically entice people to buy a domain
name for which they have no use and that adds zero value to their lives.

A simple measure - within our population of 20M, how many .id.au domains
were actually sold.  Not registered for free - sold?  And the second part of
the question - how many are still in existence and what growth has there

Ron Stark

: -----Original Message-----
: From: dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org 
: [mailto:dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org] On 
: Behalf Of Larry Bloch
: Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 23:19
: To: '.au DNS Discussion List'
: Subject: Re: [DNS] Domain dispute heats up
: http://www.webhosting.info/registries/country_stats/AU
: Obviously not all of them. Not even half.
: Sorry, my number was wrong, its 1,335,361
: -----Original Message-----
: From: dns-bounces+larry.bloch=netregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org
: [mailto:dns-bounces+larry.bloch=netregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org] 
: On Behalf Of Ron Stark
: Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 9:55
: To: '.au DNS Discussion List'
: Subject: Re: [DNS] Domain dispute heats up
: Assuming that's a real figure (where does your number come 
: from?) the next question is how many of those also have a 
: .com.au equivalent?
: Ron
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org
: : [mailto:dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org] On
: : Behalf Of Larry Bloch
: : Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 21:28
: : To: '.au DNS Discussion List'
: : Subject: Re: [DNS] Domain dispute heats up
: : 
: : 1.2m domain names registered to registrants with Australian
: : addresses in .com, net, org, info, biz
: : 
: : -----Original Message-----
: : From: dns-bounces+larry.bloch=netregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org
: : [mailto:dns-bounces+larry.bloch=netregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org]
: : On Behalf Of Ron Stark
: : Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 9:15
: : To: '.au DNS Discussion List'
: : Subject: Re: [DNS] Domain dispute heats up
: : 
: : 
: : There are some 1.2M businesses in Australia.  Simple
: : arithmetic suggests that there's a 50% penetration of domain names.
: : 
: : But it's not simple arithmetic.  For example, there are 540
: : 000 ABNs per year registered, all of whom qualify for a
: : .com.au domain name in terms of existing regulations.  Now
: : the question is - are those without domain names
: : "disenfranchised" or are they simply "disinterested".  I
: : suggest the latter.
: : 
: : If .com.au regulations were the inhibitor, then there would
: : be many more .com's registered to Australian businesses than
: : .com.au's.  Does anybody have that stat?  In any case,
: : judging by the number of my clients that receive
: : solicitations for the .com equivalent of their existing
: : .com.au domain, businesses are choosing .com.au over its .com
: : equivalent.
: : 
: : I make a simple recommendation to my clients.  If it's an
: : Australian business with an Australian clientele, go for a
: : .com.au.  It's all about business branding, not about domain
: : pricing or regulations.  Nobody registers a domain name
: : simply because it's there.  They register a domain name
: : because it offers some tangible value or underpins other
: : business objectives, be they brand protection, website or
: : email addresses.
: : 
: : Many, and I suggest the vast majority of ABN registrants have
: : no use whatsoever for a domain name, let alone other services
: : that derive from it.
: : Which brings us back to the 1.2M businesses.  And the 600 000
: : domain names.
: : Consumers already have a choice - and they're choosing to not
: : have domain names.  Period.
: : 
: : Ron Stark
: : 
: : 
: : 
: : : -----Original Message-----
: : : From: dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org
: : : [mailto:dns-bounces+ronstark=snapsite.com.au&#167;dotau.org] On
: : : Behalf Of Vic Cinc
: : : Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 20:49
: : : To: .au DNS Discussion List
: : : Subject: Re: [DNS] Domain dispute heats up
: : : 
: : : Darryl (Dassa) Lynch [dassa&#167;dhs.org] wrote:
: : : >
: : : > That is the only question suppliers are interested in, and
: : : of course,
: : : > if they can profit by meeting that demand.  AuDA and 
: policy is not
: : : > interested in the profit and demand is qualified by the
: : benefits or
: : : > negative impact meeting the demand may introduce.  Issues
: : : which suppliers don't care much about.
: : : 
: : : nobody has come up with a single negative impact yet. yet we
: : : clearly have a very large disenfranchised community out there.
: : : 
: : : > Vic has been tossing a figure of 1 million as wanting to
: : : open up the
: : : > namespace, personally I don't give that figure much weight
: : : as I don't
: : : > know how it was derived and I suspect it isn't a true
: : indication.  
: : : > Even if accepted it means there are another 39 million people to
: : : > consider at a minimum before policy is changed.
: : : 
: : : its actually a very conservative estimate. pick an open name
: : : space of an equivalent country compare the domains per capita
: : : to australia and then come back and tell me why .au sells so
: : : little and what your justification is for disenfranchising
: : : these people.
: : : 
: : : .au is for all australians, not just those some feel are worthy.
: : : 
: : : Vic
: : : 
: : : --------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Thu Jun 08 2006 - 21:33:20 UTC

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