From: Luke Carruthers <luke§>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:10:47 +1100
>How does one become a member of ADNA?
>How does one go about becoming a board member of ADNA?
>Is it even possible?
>If not what is the most effective way of having ones opinions and those of
>numerous others heard by the board?
>Email is not an effective means of communication at this level as it tends
>to be ignored.
>Do you have to meet individually with each board member?

Both Kate and Kim's email's are essentially correct.  ADNA is a non-profit
entity whose members are made up of representative associations relating to
the Internet, and the DNS registrars.  The Board is elected by the members,
with six positions representing the assocaitions, and two representing the
registrars.  This structure is designed to allow ADNA to effectively
represent the broader community through its members, while still being
small enough to get the work done.

There are in essence two major ways to be involved in the process.  The
frist is through your representative body, whether a member of ADNA already
or by having them join.  The Board is then elected at the AGM, in the same
manner as almost every association.

Secondly, this mailing list is a good way to carry on discussion.  All the
members of ADNA read it, and all updates in progress are posted here.  It
is also the major forum for debate regarding particular issues in the
process, and where comment upon proosals is concentrated.  You can also
send email directly to the ADNA Board at board&#167;  You may also
have noted that the recently released timeline has a number of periods
during which comment upon particular issues, notably the introduction of a namespace and the software enabling competition within namespaces, is
actively sought, both in submissions and via comment upon this list.

It is also possible for particular bodies, for example representative
bodies which find themselves unable, for structural or other reasons, to
join ADNA may be invited to participate in specific working groups related
to their area of interest.  ADNA wont always simply do what you say, as the
wishes of the many outweigh the wishes of the few, but we will always
listen and attempt to come to a compromise.


Luke Carruthers
Acting Chair
Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 17:09:40 UTC

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