Re: DNS: Most ADNA Members hold interests in Profit Based Companies.

Re: DNS: Most ADNA Members hold interests in Profit Based Companies.

From: Stephen Baxter <steve§>
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 19:22:23 +1030 (CST)
>  1.    Do any of the current directors of ADNA plan to be involved with any
>  entity, be it director, shareholder or some other connection (ie: inter
>  company shareholdings etc) which shall bid for a role as a DNS registrar.

Our company has no such plan at this time, it is not even on the drawing

My motivation for joining the process was born from the frustration of
waiting months on end for domain name rejections, for the want of a more
professional system, to see a very diverse DNS system, not just the
present 2LD's but others. This is what I want - I will work to that end on
behalf of the SAIA. The opinions we have had raised in SAIA the last time
it was spoken about was that any move to more open and fair competition
and access to DNS services regardless of the 2LD is a good thing.
>  If so would it not be better to resign and cause no further conflic of
>  interest debate.
>  It is obvious that Peter Gerrand will remain as CEO of MiT and that they
>  will remain as a DNS registrar so would Peter stand aside and let the board
>  vote on a replacement.

The only way that ADNA can actually get any control over any name spaace
policy in Australia is to get concencus and lots of it, we need concensus
from two main areas and one other :

o      The Internet community : business and user groups, educational,
       government (gov users not regulatory);

o      The present stake holders under .au : 
        o  .au 
        o  anybody else I forgot (mainstream heirachy - not unrecognised

[this is not a statement that says ADNA wants it all - this is not a
statement that says ADNA plans to 'get control' of the above mentioned
domains - this is merely a 2LD listing and other - nothing more - people
or DNS groupings that make sense to have involved.]

o      The government appointed regulatory body if the ACA sees fit.

>  This would solve some of the conflict of interest debate, Peter could still
>  be involved through consultantion etc.

Peter/MIT are a voluntary part of the debate and the process, all stake
holders are needed at the table - ADNA (nor any other body) can force
anything at all (maybe the ACA if things fall to hell). It requires
cooperation. I beleive it is better to get all stakeholders as it stands
now to A table - somewhere.

I beleive that the meetings should be more public and have stated so on
this list. 

I look forward to seeing pressure brought to bear that list real changes
that can be made. Do not expect people to help you to change something
when they do not see it as broken (if at all) as perhaps you do. 
We all really want answers, we all really a fairer DNS system in
Australia, please help to reach our goal by suggestions.

If you believe we are all biased please do not expect us to step aside
when there is none to replace us - please help us find answers - if we are
biassed then find people to depose us - do not just tell us to go. 

We need people on ADNA who will work to an end for the group they
represent (non profit organisations) and to give usefull and constructive

ADNA needs a more independant chairperson (the original name that was
floated was a Roger [BD].... - cannot remember or find my original notes),
this was identified at the first meeting - it would be a great start if an
independant one of those could be found by the Adelaide meeting (if the
meeting is in Adelaide, I have two responses from ADNA members who see no
problem with this so I suppose that makes it three in favour).

Does anybody have a name that we could float as a chairperson ?

Stephen Baxter                            SE Network Access
SE Network Access               
Direct Internet Access                    222 Grote Street
phone : +61 8 8221 5221                   Adelaide 5000
fax   : +61 8 8221 5220

(Support Ausbone - do not go quietly into the night !)

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