RE: DNS: Prospective new domains ( & (

RE: DNS: Prospective new domains ( & (

From: Peter Clark <pjcoz§>
Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 10:39:41 +1000
Then is the answer to create industry TLD's and then allow companies to
create their 2ld's under this ?

We can't have it both ways and "Market" (or allow the perception to continue
that) the DNS as a directory space listing while then telling people they
can't have this listing or that listing.

They can in the yellowpages, why not on the Internet ?

It is not such and perhaps the DNA's or ADNA (it should give you guys
something to do) should provide guideline documentation in the form of
something that the client should "think about" before they apply for a
domain name.

I'm sure most ISP's would prefer to pass along such documentation than deal
with the current situation.

If the public's perception needs changing, do it - if the TLD's need
changing from the standard Internic created by default, then change IT - I
think most companies wouldn't mind a gradual move to a thought about
Australian DNS.

Peter Clark
Pre-Sales Engineer
OzEmail/Access One
Phone: +612 9433 2486
Fax: +612 9437 5888
Email: pjcoz&#167;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-dns&#167; [mailto:owner-dns§]On Behalf Of
> Robert Elz
> Sent: Monday, 18 May 1998 19:57
> To: dns&#167;
> Subject: Re: DNS: Prospective new domains ( & (
>     Date:        Mon, 18 May 1998 18:35:24 +1000
>     From:        Rick Welykochy <rick&#167;>
>     Message-ID:  <355FF2CC.13AF&#167;>
>   | An enquiry to Mel.I.T. informed me of some strange rule
>   | that allows a natural person to obtain a domain name in
>   | if they have demonstrated they have been tradining
>   | under that name. In the above case I would assume D.S.Waldron
>   | demonstrated that he was trading as "Dan" but without an RBN.
> This is quite old, and isn't really a "strange" rule. is
> basically for commercial operations, so that is a primary criteria.
> Then the next basic principal is that commercial operations should
> register under their own names - for an individual, that's the person's
> name, for a partnership, it is the list of names (or abbreviated list
> when it is long) and for a company it is the company name.
> Then there's the added complication that a lot of businesses prefer to
> trade under some other name.   Commercial law allows that, but requires
> the name be registered (so others can locate the actual entity using the
> trading name).   The policy follows that, and allows an
> organisation
> to use their registered trading name as the basis for the domain name.
> And last, since people's, and company, names are typically much longer
> than is normally desireable for a domain name, and also often contain
> characters that are not legal (or at least, not sane) in a domain name
> (like space), so domain names are allowed to be derived from the entity's
> legal, or trading, name, they don't have to be an exact match.
> kre
> "
Received on Tue May 19 1998 - 11:19:08 UTC

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