Re: [DNS] reply to Spring Clean comments

Re: [DNS] reply to Spring Clean comments

From: Jim Birch <jbirch§>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 18:41:52 +0800
Following this debate, and knowing no better I was beginning to think something
might be wrong.  But sorry, Matthew, but this claim seems a bit wide of the mark
to me.

I would intuitively expect that an edu name would indicate an educational
institution of some kind or something intimately connected with them.  Let's face
it, we're all involved in education to some degree or the other, but that doesn't
mean we all get edu names.  And, it doesn't really matter how many Ph D's (paid
or unpaid) you've have on your staff list.

Your organization looks a little too much like a Special Interest Group to me.
Why do they want an edu name anyway?  It seems to be an (explicit or implicit)
attempt to acquire the status of a university or college for the group or their
journal.  A journal - no matter how scholarly, respected, or whatever, does not
make an educational institution.  Why not go for an org name?   I guess you would
rather be rubbing shoulders with universities and colleges than recipe clubs and
4WD nuts.  It's a kudos thing.

Would you, for example, like edu names give to:

 a company that teaches MS Office to corporates,
 a group who provide Buddhist meditation training,
 a organization set up to teach the facts on abortion,
 a football club,
 a collective that gets new players up to speed with Doom,

All are involved in education for one reason or another.  But if you let anyone
in the whole thing becomes meaningless; the line has to go somewhere.   I see you
may have be closer to an edu claim than at least some of the above list but
you're still not what I would expect with an edu name.

BTW I'm certainly not anti-Christian, pro-Establishment, or something along those

Jim Birch
System Administrator

Matthew King wrote:

> In answer to a mail recieved from David Keegel re a pending domain
> >] I have a client that is well respected in its field, has been opperating
> >] for twenty years and has activities identical to other bodies with an
> >] domains. However it seems to have been swept under this "carpet".
> >
> >Can you tell me (or even better the dns list) who this client is,
> >so that we can make up our own minds?
> Here is an application for an domain that has been swept under the
> carpet (i.e. ignored) because it is not educational enough.........
> CASE STUDY as follows:
> The domain we are seeking is This is for the Australian
> Christian Forum on Education Incorporated (ACFE).
> It is my the second attempt at getting an domain. We initially
> wanted to get which is based on the name of ACFE's main
> journal (Journal of Christian Education) but as you might have guessed this
> was rejected.
> The publisher of the Journal of Christian Education (JCE) is the Australian
> Christian Forum on Education Incorporated (ACFE). This is an educational
> institution which conducts conferences, seminars and public meetings on
> educational issues. It also publishes books and papers on educational
> topics as well as the JCE.
> The Journal of Christian Education is a refereed academic international
> journal devoted to the examination of the application of Christian
> principles to the whole field of education. Its subscribers are libraries
> of universities and colleges as well as individual educators in some 20
> countries around the world.
> In these ways the ACFE has similarities to institutions like the Australian
> College of Education.
> I may add that it undertakes activities very similar to other existing
> sites ie. in particular the Australian Science Teachers Association.
> In regards to its educational credentials please visit its beta site at
> and have a look at the qualifications
> of its editors and editorial board. For those that could not be bothered
> here is a little list.
> Editors
> * Dr Allan Harkness, M.A., B.D., Ph.D.,Lecturer, Trinity Theological College.
> * Anna C. Hogg, B.A., E.Ed., Ph.D., F.A.C.E. Formerly Head, Department of
> Education,
> Sydney Teachers' College, N.S.W., Australia
> * Brian V. Hill M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., F.A.C.E., Professor of Education,
> Murdoch University, W.A., Australia
> Editorial Board
> * TREVOR COOLING, B.A., Dip.Th., M.A., Ph.D., Projects Officer, Stapleford
> House Education
> Centre, Nottingham, England.
> * ALLAN K. BEAVIS, B.Sc, Dip.Ed., M.Ed.Admin, Ph.D., M.A.C.E., Master, New
> College, The University of New South Wales, Sydney
> * CYNTHIA DIXON, M.A., M.Ed., Dip. Ed., Dip R.E., Ph.D. Honorary Senior
> Fellow, Edith Cowan University, W.A
> * H.J. FALLDING, M.A., B.S., Dip.Ed., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Distinguished
> Professor Emeritus of
> Sociology, University of Waterloo, Canada.
> * JOHN W. HARRIS, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Th.D., Director, Translations and
> Text Division, Bible
> Society in Australia, Canberra.
> * A.A. HUKINS, M.Sc., Dip.Ed., Ph.D., F.A.C.E., Emeritus Professor of
> Education, University of New South Wales.
> * RODERIC KEFFORD, B.A., M.A., Dip.Ed., M.Ed.Admin., Ph.D., F.A.C.E.,
> Headmaster, Barker College, Sydney.
> * A.D. McCARTHY, B.A., B.D., M.Ed., Th.L., M.A.C.E., Senior Education
> Officer, Open Training & Education Network, NSW TAFE Commission, Sydney.
> * B. McGAW, B.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., F.A.C.E., F.A.S.S.A., Deputy
> Director(Education), Directorate of Education, Employment, Labour and
> Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
> Paris.
> * EVELINA ORTEZA Y. MIRANDA, B.S.E., M.A., Ed.D., Professor of Education,
> University of
> Calgary, Canada. N.L. WIGNEY, M.A., B.Ed., M.A.C.E., Languages Coordinator
> Emeritus, Barker College, Sydney, N.S.W.
> * RICHARD L. WILKINS, B.D., General Secretary, Association of Christian
> Teachers, England.  (Please keep in mind the site is still a little rough)
> Several points:
> * So why has this application been swept under the carpet? If this
> organisation is not educational enough then the rules should be clearly
> changed.
> * What appeal do I have if it is rejected again? Answer none. (We would
> still like the first one by the way)
> * Why should one person in this day and age dictate the application of
> abitary rulings. (check the definition of tyranny) At least if a group of
> elected peers said no I would have the chance to lobby and if I wanted  to
> take it further try to elect someone who supported my views.
> * The people who run the current system have done a good job over time. But
> the internet is changing and adapting. The rules should too.
> Matthew King
> --
> This article is not to be reproduced or quoted beyond this forum without
> express permission of the author.  You don't know who really wrote it.
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