[DNS] Internet Name Group and Internet Registrations Australia

[DNS] Internet Name Group and Internet Registrations Australia

From: RIKKI LAMBERT <RXL§finlaysons.com.au>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 14:06:42 +0930
When is auDA going to do something about Internet Name Group, and "Internet Registrations Australia"?

I do not suspect I am alone in my opinion that they are being misleading and deceptive and clearly in breach of the Trade Practices Act.  I recall statements in the press that if auDA doesnt do its job in self-regulation of the Internet, the Government should step in.  Perhaps the ACCC needs to be called in to act when auDA is not. 

Perhaps people unsure as to whether these organisations are deceptive or not?  

In my opinion, they trick people into thinking they (ING/IRA) were the organisation through whom they initially registered the domain name (partly due to their generic names) and the person (often too busy to pay the matter much more attention) simply signs the invoice.  

Another misleading aspect is that they do not put in the invoice what the actual expiry date is.  The way domain names work, you can have registered on 1 January 2001 for one year and renew it on 2 January 2001 for another year.  So they trick people into renewing when their domain name is not due for expiry.  The critical thing is: they obtain customers deceptively - since if you renew with ING/IRA, you're likely to stay with them (rather than bother changing to someone else).  

It looks to us like a scam and it doesnt look like anything is being done about it.  Where is a press release / public announcement / media coverage decrying this conduct?

I half suspect there will be a clarifying e-mail from the auDA CEO following this post, so I'll leave it there for now. 


Rikki Lambert, Lawyer
Email:      rikkilambert&#167;finlaysons.com.au
Website: http://www.finlaysons.com.au
Phone:    +61 8 8235 7400        Fax:  +61 8 8232 2944
Address:  81 Flinders St, Adelaide, South Australia

South Australia - a great place to live and work!

>>> Joshua.Rowe&#167;auspost.com.au 10/12/01 01:43pm >>>

The back side of Internet Name Group's latest "Renewal Advice" now warns
people about receiving unsolicited renewal notices ... see below:



Manager, Technical Development, ePay Project, Australia Post HQ
ph: 03 9204 7335 fax: 03 9204 7556  web: www.postbillpay.com.au 

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