I think the reasons for kicking of James speak for themselves and they haven't changed since I gave a detailed summary of my list policy last time I kicked him off. I gave him a second chance, after he promised to not use the same aggressive inconsiderate manner on the list, but things to my mind did not improve. I think he knows that himself as he was foretelling his own departure in his posts. As I have said before I think James raised some good issues, so it is a shame to have to remove him, but he raises them in such a destructive way (not to auDA, but to the list -- it basically drives everyone away). As for comments about the implied auDA connection with the list. The simple fact is I ran this list on an ISP before it was hosted by auDA. When I had to relocate the list I asked auDA if they minded hosting it as I felt it served a useful function for auDA and the community. They agreed. There is nothing stopping me moving it to a different domain again if people are going to assume this is an auDA sanctioned official forum. I believe I have been quite explicit in saying that it has not. kimReceived on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC
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