Re: [DNS] domain name news - 17 May

Re: [DNS] domain name news - 17 May

From: Ian Smith <smithi§>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 01:59:38 +1000 (EST)
Hi David,

I've been paying attention, this is the third posting of this reference
to an ongoing series of advertisements - Press Releases - by some mob
flogging a 'patent pending' plugin 'technology' (for Some Particular OS,
no doubt) that is a complete con for the un-DNS-educated to believe that
these so-called 'domains' have anything _at_ _all_ to do with the global
Domain Name Service that underlies the internet.

On Wed, 19 May 2004, David Goldstein wrote:

[.. articles relating to the DNS or real internet domains]

 > New ".USA" Domain Names Released on to the Internet - The
 > Rush Begins Again (news release)
 > It isn't just the new ".USA" domain names that are being
 > snapped up, suddenly, domain names like ".MUSIC" and
 > ".SEXY" are also proving extremely popular. Now, websites
 > such as "www . frustrated.genius", www. anti.aging, www.
 > laser.laser and www. mini.mi are springing up across the
 > world. A new dimension has been added to the Internet that
 > anyone can use virtually without restriction. Its not ICANN
 > (news - web sites) nor its alternative, instead think of a
 > conjunction with the current domain name system.

[articles related to the DNS or real internet domains ..]

Please at least label such ADVERTISEMENT, as the quoted page does, in
smallish type.  This is not 'news', except in Yahoo's marketing speak.

Cheers, Ian
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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