Re: [DNS] Whois & Privacy

Re: [DNS] Whois & Privacy

From: Kim Davies <kim§>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 13:11:53 +0200
Mike wrote:
> Did you look at the link or read any of the case studies Kim?
> Your idea of privacy isn't everyones..

I looked at them when that site was first published, and I have just 
re-skimmed them. They seem to centre on things like publishing your home 
address. You can't find someone's home address, or telephone number, in 
the .au WHOIS.

In .au, all that is exposed is a contact email address. If you are so 
freaked out that a someone might attack you by giving you a heart attack 
by sending you a craftily written email, well, perhaps you are better 
off not using the Internet.

I can't think of how the attack vectors described where people can come 
and brutally murder you in the night, or charge to your credit cards by 
hiding in your letter box, yell at your ex-wife etc, have any relevance 
at all to .au.

Can you explain? I must be slow.

How are .au's WHOIS privacy arrangements so woefully inadequate as you 
have claimed? As I said, in my experience they are some of the tightest 
in the world and represent a good balance between privacy and the public 
good, but obviously you see differently.

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