[DNS] BEWARE: DomainName.com.au "invoices" (Blair Rafferty + Chesley Rafferty)

[DNS] BEWARE: DomainName.com.au "invoices" (Blair Rafferty + Chesley Rafferty)

From: Philip Wait <phil.wait§ilisys.com.au>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 15:32:55 +0800

I did not claim that whatever they are doing is illegal (although some
people may think it is smoke and mirrors, and one of these people just
happens to be a His Honour Justice Finkelstein of the Federal Court of

I was just replying to the previous email asking why he hadn't yet been
ordered to stop doing whatever it is that the Federal Court did not like.

I apologise for having a mind of my own and for simple typographical
errors on my part.


Chesley Rafferty wrote:
> I try not to reply to this list cos as just mentioned
> by a member of list - it needs to be explained in
> terms a 6 year old can understand but let me clear
> some things up.
> 1. The companies which are referred to are my brothers
> not mine, I am no longer employed by these companies
> nor do I have any ownership of them.
> 2. An anonymous quote (on website run by a person that
> clearly is obsessed with me and anyone related to me)
> stating a domain wasn't registered or mp3 player sent
> is not proof of anything - let alone fraud.
> 3. Neither my brother nor any of his companies have
> ever been found to have broken any laws - so any
> statements you make to contrary are most likely
> slanderous and defamatory.
> 4. If I had of got 40,000 clients at $225 (which means
> also that my companies never had any costs) I wouldnt
> currently be bankrupt.
> 5. James Davis at least state that you belong to the
> registrar Aust Domains.
> 6. All of you in the Aust Domain industry are scared
> of any kind of competition, like most Aust industries
> prefer monolopys, duopolys and cartels.
> At least Ron Stark had the intelligence to mention
> that the letters as he put it 'fall into the category
> of 
> "not illegal"' - maybe Phil and James could try to
> move up from a 6 year old reading and thinking level.
> --- Philip Wait <phil.wait&#167;ilisys.com.au> wrote:
>> Because legally he hasn't been banned from creating
>> as many businesses
>> as he likes (even tho he is bankrupt?) and even if
>> he was banned from
>> doing that he could just put the company in his wife
>> or significant
>> others name, or the name of his dog, or any name he
>> can think of. I
>> think the reason he isn't be sued/closed down sooner
>> is that the police
>> must not consider domain name fraud (along with the
>> actual fraud) to be
>> very high up the list of priorities.
>> And if he does get caught and sentanced, whats the
>> maximum time he will
>> spend behind bars? Two years or something stupid
>> like that, and he makes
>> 225$ each off of forty thousdan people. Thats a
>> pretty good salary.
>> Regards,
>> Phil
>> James Davis wrote:
>>> Can someone explain to me.. In the terms
>> understood by a 6 year old...
>>> How can this guy still be operating? After all the
>> scams? After the
>>> Bankrupcy, After all the bad press?
>>> The fact the guy didn't get his domain name, nor
>> his mp3 player is
>>> plain fraud...
>>> I just seem to be having a problem understanding
>> as to how this guy is
>>> able to still be in "business" let alone not in
>> jail being butt raped
>>> by a big black guy from bigblackbubba.com
>>> Regards
>>> James
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From*: "Josh Rowe" <josh&#167;email.nu>
>>> *Sent*: Friday, 28 April 2006 5:01 AM
>>> *To*: "'.au DNS Discussion List'" <dns&#167;dotau.org>
>>> *Subject*: [DNS] BEWARE: DomainName.com.au
>> "invoices" (Blair Rafferty
>>> + Chesley Rafferty)
>>> BEWARE: DomainName.com.au "invoices" (Blair
>> Rafferty + Chesley Rafferty)
>>> http://domainwatch.org/
>>> Blair Rafferty's DomainName.com.au Pty Ltd has
>> been sending out marketing
>>> notices which look like invoices - according to
>> recipients.
>>> Registrants have reported that the notices give
>> the impression that
>>> they are
>>> renewing their existing "com.au" domain name (eg
>> mybiz.com.au), when
>>> in fact
>>> they are purchasing a brand new ".com" domain name
>> (eg mybiz.com).
>>> [...]
>>> http://domainwatch.org/
>>> Josh
>>> --
>>> http://josh.id.au/
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Received on Fri Apr 28 2006 - 07:32:55 UTC

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