[DNS] why do we really need a .au name instead of com.au?

[DNS] why do we really need a .au name instead of com.au?

From: Skeeve Stevens <skeeve§skeeve.org>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 22:24:17 +1000
My 2c

I see both sides.  I've just started up a new business and I have registered
the .com/.net/.org/.com.au/.info so that the words are protected in all the
'major' tld's.  I don't care about .name, .areo, etc, other countries and
certainly not .mobi.

But.. Perhaps... And this may or may not be a valid idea.

Because most of the people register their domain to protect their marks from
being used for porn and so on, wouldn't it be an interesting idea that where
a global mark is valid, that when a new domain comes in like .mobi, that
there be some sort of list, that means those marks are reserved and can't be
used for nefarious purposes.

So, .mobi pops up, and Coke-a-Cola or Pepsi don't have to run out and
register coke.mobi or pepsi.mobi because they would be 'reserved' or special
'marked' words of sorts.

The problem is, that in a global TLD, there can be often more than one party
who are entitled to a particlar names.  The old mcdonalds case comes to
mind.  Any other ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: dns-bounces+skeeve=skeeve.org&#167;dotau.org
[mailto:dns-bounces+skeeve=skeeve.org&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of Jon Lawrence
Sent: Monday, 2 October 2006 10:13 PM
To: .au DNS Discussion List; DNS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [DNS] why do we really need a .au name instead of com.au?

Hi David

I agree that .mobi is a pretty questionable idea, however I don't agree that
it's totally relevant to this issue.

If we were to follow the logic of your point we would end up removing .au
altogether and having everyone using a single, global domain space.  I have
heard the head of IP (that's Intellectual Property) of a major global
company express a desire for just such an outcome.  I don't think anyone on
this list  would suggest that's actually a feasible or desirable outcome,

The main point I would make about .com.au versus .au is that whenever I hear
people from outside this industry (I know a couple) talk about .com.au
addresses, they always leave off the .au.  This presumably is simply because
.com.au is 5 syllables, while .com is only 2.  This situation clearly causes
confusion and arguably diminishes the value of having a .au domain name in
the first place.  If people were able to register at the second level, that
would remove this issue altogether.

Releasing second level names would of course result in a number of issues
that would need to be resolved (grandfathering etc) and additional cost for
companies that wished to also register in the second level, however there
have been many examples of other ccTLDs around the world doing exactly this
without major incident.


>-- Original Message --
>Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 03:18:40 -0700 (PDT)
>From: David Goldstein <goldstein_david&#167;yahoo.com.au>
>To: DNS Mailing List <dns&#167;dotau.org>
>Subject: [DNS] why do we really need a .au name instead of com.au?
>Reply-To: ".au DNS Discussion List" <dns&#167;dotau.org>
>  Hi all
>  In light of recent debates about allowing registrations for domains 
>such as fredsrealestate.au I thought this article in Business Week was 
>interesting about dotMobi.
>  In the article, Sarah Deutsch, General Counsel of VERizon, is quoted
>saying big-name companies are being forced to register dotMobi domains
>risk brand damage. Sarah says "Anytime one of these top-level domains 
>is introduced, we are forced to register these domains proactively 
>you don't do that, you are going to find your trademark infringed. It 
>might be linked with pornography or phishing or fraud. Companies are 
>forced to come in and protect their crown jewels." Sarah goes on to say 
>that dotMobi names don?t offer the domain owners anything they can?t do 
>with their existing domains.
>  I guess the same argument can be largely said about the recent proposals.
>And again it comes down to companies will be forced to register 
>additional domains for negligible advantage to ward off cybersquatters. 
>The Australian public is pretty well educated by now and know what a
.com.au address is.
>  Thinking more about it, we?d be just as well off campaigning against
>use of ?www? in domain names. 3 characters that largely don?t signify 
>anything, and was subject of a spoof story in The Register some time 
>ago that I inadvertently included in the news as serious news!
>  Anyway, read the story below, or go to the auDA site for the news 
><http://auda.org.au/domain-news> and see a few more articles such as in 
>the FT and Australian, that were
>posted to the list today.
>  A New Wave of Web Addresses
>  An Irish company is registering new names with a mobile-friendly 
>dot-mobi extension. But who's signing up and why?
>  Cheers
>  David
>David Goldstein
> address: 4/3 Abbott Street
>           COOGEE NSW 2034
>           AUSTRALIA
> email: Goldstein_David &#167;yahoo.com.au
> phone: +61 418 228 605 (mobile); +61 2 9665 5773 (home)
>"Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every 
>time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr 
>Tim Flannery
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