[DNS] auDA Domain News - 8 September

[DNS] auDA Domain News - 8 September

From: David Goldstein <david>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 12:07:02 +1000


The domain name news is supported by auDA





How to survive the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul and why bother?

< <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/04/how-to-survive-the-internet-governance-forum-in-istanbul-and-why-bother> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/04/how-to-survive-the-internet-governance-forum-in-istanbul-and-why-bother>


Turkey faces criticism as host of the Internet Governance Forum

< <http://www.dw.de/turkey-faces-criticism-as-host-of-the-internet-governance-forum/a-17899512> http://www.dw.de/turkey-faces-criticism-as-host-of-the-internet-governance-forum/a-17899512>


Internet Administration: eco Calls for Clear Process Towards IANA Reform

< <http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/internet-administration-eco-calls-for-clear-process-towards-iana-reform.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/internet-administration-eco-calls-for-clear-process-towards-iana-reform.html>


European Commission position for Internet Governance Forum 2014

< <http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-513_en.htm> http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-513_en.htm>


GNSO Review Deadline Extended to 23 September - Participate and Make Your Voices Heard! by Jen Wolfe

< <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-deadline-extended-to-23-september-participate-and-make-your-voices-heard> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-deadline-extended-to-23-september-participate-and-make-your-voices-heard>


VeriSign?s Top Line Performance To Be Masked By Growth In ccTLDs

< <http://www.trefis.com/stock/vrsn/articles/253940/verisigns-top-line-performance-to-be-masked-by-growth-in-cctlds/2014-09-04> http://www.trefis.com/stock/vrsn/articles/253940/verisigns-top-line-performance-to-be-masked-by-growth-in-cctlds/2014-09-04>


The auDA Foundation's support for Internet projects promoting mental health and wellbeing

< <http://www.auda.org.au/blog/the-auda-foundations-support-for-internet-projects-promoting-mental-health-and-wellbeing/> http://www.auda.org.au/blog/the-auda-foundations-support-for-internet-projects-promoting-mental-health-and-wellbeing/>


Call for nominations for election to auDA Board

< <http://www.auda.org.au/news/call-for-nominations-for-election-to-auda-board-2014/> http://www.auda.org.au/news/call-for-nominations-for-election-to-auda-board-2014/>


Norwegian Individuals More Likely To Get Their Own Domain Under .NO

< <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/norwegian-individuals-domain/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/norwegian-individuals-domain/>


How the Fashion Industry will use New gTLDs by Jennifer Wolfe

< <http://info.wolfedomain.com/blog/bid/394130/How-the-Fashion-Industry-will-use-New-gTLDs> http://info.wolfedomain.com/blog/bid/394130/How-the-Fashion-Industry-will-use-New-gTLDs>


>From Wearable Technology to gTLDs, How to Keep Up with the Internet, Innovation and ICANN

< <http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/FromWearableTechnologytogTLDsHowtoKeepUpwiththeInternetInnovationandICANN.aspx> http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/FromWearableTechnologytogTLDsHowtoKeepUpwiththeInternetInnovationandICANN.aspx>






How to survive the Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul and why bother?

Maria Farrell on the inner workings of a conference where the gala reception has no alcohol and Ed Vaizey appears to have cracked the secret of popularity

< <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/04/how-to-survive-the-internet-governance-forum-in-istanbul-and-why-bother> http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/04/how-to-survive-the-internet-governance-forum-in-istanbul-and-why-bother>


Is Turkey a bad Internet Governance Forum host if you can still talk surveillance?

Passions have flared at an Internet Governance Forum being hosted in Istanbul. Turkey has long tried to silence the Net. And many participants want to know whether Turkey was the right choice.

< <http://www.dw.de/is-turkey-a-bad-internet-governance-forum-host-if-you-can-still-talk-surveillance/a-17899512> http://www.dw.de/is-turkey-a-bad-internet-governance-forum-host-if-you-can-still-talk-surveillance/a-17899512>


Turkey faces criticism as host of the Internet Governance Forum

Passions have flared at an Internet Governance Forum being hosted in Istanbul. The country has long tried to silence the Web, which has left many participants wondering whether Turkey was the right choice.

< <http://www.dw.de/turkey-faces-criticism-as-host-of-the-internet-governance-forum/a-17899512> http://www.dw.de/turkey-faces-criticism-as-host-of-the-internet-governance-forum/a-17899512>


Internet Administration: eco Calls for Clear Process Towards IANA Reform

Today, the 9th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) starts off in Istanbul. Over four days, the estimated 2,500 representatives of international governments, companies and NGOs, as well as participants from the civil society, will be exchanging ideas and information in current issues in Internet Governance, such as Internet administration, net neutrality, security and data protection, surveillance and intellectual property in the digital age.

< <http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/internet-administration-eco-calls-for-clear-process-towards-iana-reform.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/internet-administration-eco-calls-for-clear-process-towards-iana-reform.html>


European Commission position for Internet Governance Forum 2014

The 2014 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 2-5 September. This UN-initiated body is a multi-stakeholder, non-decision making forum of global importance for forward-looking discussions on Internet issues. Ministers and Internet leaders, including Neelie Kroes, will discuss the theme "Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance".

< <http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-513_en.htm> http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-513_en.htm>


eu: Fighting for a free and open internet

Joint statement from the EU delegation to the Internet Governance Forum 2-5 September 2014 in Istanbul; signed by and Vice President Neelie Kroes and Member of the European Parliament Pilar del Castillo, Paul R?big, Sabine Verheyen, Renato Soru and Julia Reda

< <http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-14-272_en.htm> http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-14-272_en.htm>


Internet nation? Speech delivered by IGP?s Milton Mueller at the closing ceremony of the 9th Annual Internet Governance Forum

I thank our host country and the IGF Secretariat for the excellent facilities and well-organized event. I also want to shout out to the Turkish alternative informatics activists for their courage and commitment in mobilizing an Ungovernance Forum.

< <http://www.internetgovernance.org/2014/09/05/internet-nation/> http://www.internetgovernance.org/2014/09/05/internet-nation/>


Kathy Brown Opening Speech For 2014 Internet Governance Forum

Thank you to our Turkish hosts for inviting us to experience the wonder of this amazing city where the confluence of cultures, religion, and ideas have met and melded over the ages. We know that there is power and progress to be derived from drawing on a mix of traditions and beliefs to forge cooperation and growth.

< <http://www.internetsociety.org/news/kathy-brown-opening-speech-2014-internet-governance-forum> http://www.internetsociety.org/news/kathy-brown-opening-speech-2014-internet-governance-forum>


RIPE NCC Report on IGF 2014

The ninth annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) concluded on Friday, 5 September, in Istanbul, Turkey. The five days of wide-ranging Internet governance discussions attracted nearly 2,500 on-site participants, with more than 1,000 more online.

< <http://www.ripe.net/internet-coordination/news/ripe-ncc-report-on-igf-2014> http://www.ripe.net/internet-coordination/news/ripe-ncc-report-on-igf-2014>


The Internet Power Vacuum Worsens

The Obama administration plan to give up U.S. protection of the open Internet won't take effect for a year, but authoritarian governments are already moving to grab control. President Obama is learning it's as dangerous for America to create a vacuum of power in the digital world as in the real one.

< <http://online.wsj.com/articles/l-gordon-crovitz-the-internet-power-vacuum-worsens-1410124265> http://online.wsj.com/articles/l-gordon-crovitz-the-internet-power-vacuum-worsens-1410124265>

< <http://online.wsj.com/articles/l-gordon-crovitz-the-internet-power-vacuum-worsens-1410124265?tesla=y&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204420904580136072740733464.html> http://online.wsj.com/articles/l-gordon-crovitz-the-internet-power-vacuum-worsens-1410124265?tesla=y&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204420904580136072740733464.html>


Internet Governence Forum Attendees Complain About Censorship in Turkey While Some Advocate It for Youth

Censorship is very much on the minds of attendees at this year's IGF in Istanbul. One reason, of course, is because the meeting is being held in a country that has censored the Web. Earlier this year the Turkish government blocked Twitter and YouTube for awhile and continues to block thousands of websites, including some that reportedly have content that goes against government ideology.

< <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-magid/internet-governence-forum_b_5774720.html> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-magid/internet-governence-forum_b_5774720.html>


ICANN and Internet governance, cont?d

Some comments and emails I?ve received make me think that I wasn?t terribly clear in my posting earlier this week about the Women on Web abortion services website, ICANN, and the whole ?Internet governance? brouhaha. [Speaking of which, Larry Downes has an interesting piece here on "why Internet governance should be left to the engineers," focusing on the ongoing "Internet Governance Forum" meetings taking place in Turkey, in particular reference to the knotty problem of "network neutrality."] The great classicist Mary Beard was quoted as saying that when she writes something that many people misunderstand, she assumes that it is her writing, not her readers, at fault . . . a good attitude to cultivate, I think.

< <http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/09/04/icann-and-internet-governance-contd/> http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/09/04/icann-and-internet-governance-contd/>








GNSO Review Deadline Extended to 23 September - Participate and Make Your Voices Heard! by Jen Wolfe

I became involved in the GNSO Review for several reasons. Recognizing that organizational reviews are an essential component of ICANN's commitment to continuous improvement, accountability and transparency, I wanted to take part in shaping this important process. Additionally, the review provides a timely opportunity for the GNSO to reflect upon our self-improvement efforts as we acknowledge areas that are working well, identify areas that need improvement and work toward affecting needed changes. I am committed to a collaborative effort resulting in useful and productive improvements and am very excited to share with you our accomplishments to date.

< <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-deadline-extended-to-23-september-participate-and-make-your-voices-heard> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/gnso-review-deadline-extended-to-23-september-participate-and-make-your-voices-heard>


Public Comment Invited: Enhancing ICANN Accountability Process

Purpose (Brief): Due to both the critical crossroad ICANN is at now and the considerable work that needs to be done to achieve the anticipated IANA Functions Stewardship Transition, ICANN has launched a 21-day Public Comment period starting 6 September 2014, to consider the Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance Process posted on 14 August, in conjunction with the stewardship transition.

< <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-08-2014-09-05-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-08-2014-09-05-en>


Revised: Request for Proposals (RFP) for IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal Issued by the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group

This announcement is to correct the omission from the 3 September communication of the draft nature of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal Issued by the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group.

< <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-09-05-en> https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-09-05-en>


Elise Cooper, Olivier Crepin-Leblond et al, Commercial Business Users, Commercial Stakeholder Group, At-Large Advisory Committee, Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group, Non-Commercial Users, Registry Stakeholder Group, Governmental Advisory Committee, Security and Stability Advisory Committee, Country Code Names Supporting Organization, Internet Service Providers, Commercial Stakeholder Group, Registrar Stakeholder Group, Generic Names Supporting Organization Council, Intellectual Property, Commercial Stakeholder to Fadi Chehad? and Stephen Crocker

Questions About Enhancing ICANN Accountability Efforts

< <https://www.icann.org/resources/correspondence/cooper-et-al-to-chehade-crocker-2014-09-03-en> https://www.icann.org/resources/correspondence/cooper-et-al-to-chehade-crocker-2014-09-03-en>


ICANN signs MoU with APNIC on L-Root Collaboration

Today, I was very happy to facilitate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on L-Root Collaboration with Paul Wilson, Director General of the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) and Fadi Chehad?, President and CEO of ICANN.

< <https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-signs-mou-with-apnic-on-l-root-collaboration> https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-signs-mou-with-apnic-on-l-root-collaboration>


Update on Application Status and Contention Sets

ICANN has updated the "Update on Application Status and Contention Sets" Advisory to describe how application statuses and contention set statuses are currently being maintained. These changes reflect modifications that have been made to the process to enhance efficiency and transparency in application processing.

< <http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/announcements-and-media/announcement-04sep14-en> http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/announcements-and-media/announcement-04sep14-en>


Louis Lee, Chair | ICANN ASO Address Council, to ICANN Board and ICANN Staff

Re: ASO AC Advice on the Implementation of Global Policy for Iana Policy for Allocation of ASN Blocks to RIRs

< <https://www.icann.org/resources/correspondence/lee-to-icann-board-staff-2014-09-03-en> https://www.icann.org/resources/correspondence/lee-to-icann-board-staff-2014-09-03-en>


ICA Tells ICANN: Withdraw Bylaws Proposal to Give Governments More Power by Philip Corwin

On September 3rd the ICA filed a comment letter with ICANN opposing a Bylaws amendment proposal to raise the threshold for Board rejection of Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) ?advice? from a simple majority to a two-thirds vote.

< <http://www.internetcommerce.org/ica-tells-icann-withdraw-bylaws-proposal-to-give-governments-more-power/> http://www.internetcommerce.org/ica-tells-icann-withdraw-bylaws-proposal-to-give-governments-more-power/>


ICA Counsel To Co-Chair IGO/INGO Working Group by Philip Corwin

On September 4th ICANN?s GNSO Council confirmed the appointment of ICA Counsel Philip Corwin as Co-Chairman of the IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group. This WG will have to consider a broad array of issues that are relevant not only to its own work but to the broader upcoming review of the rights protection measures (RPMs) created for the new gTLD program, as well as potential UDRP reform, that will begin in Spring 2015.

< <http://www.internetcommerce.org/igoingo-working-group/> http://www.internetcommerce.org/igoingo-working-group/>


APNIC & ICANN sign MOU on L-root server deployments

APNIC and ICANN today signed an agreement to help improve the performance, availability and reliability of the Internet in the growing Asia Pacific region by deploying L-root server instances.

< <http://blog.apnic.net/2014/09/04/apnic-icann-sign-mou-on-l-root-server-deployments/> http://blog.apnic.net/2014/09/04/apnic-icann-sign-mou-on-l-root-server-deployments/>


Interview: Mary Wong, ICANN

ICANN Senior Policy Director Mary Wong discusses her first year at ICANN, the challenges still facing the new gTLD program and what actions are being taken to ensure that trademark owners? rights will be protected in a vastly expanded Internet.

< <http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/InterviewMaryWongICANN.aspx> http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/InterviewMaryWongICANN.aspx>


Next month: the biggest domain name conference ever

This summer?s ICANN meeting in London set an all-time record for a domain name related conference with 3,115 people in attendance.

< <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/04/next-month-the-biggest-domain-name-conference-ever/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/04/next-month-the-biggest-domain-name-conference-ever/>


DCA Trust Strongly Urges ICANN Board Not to Adopt the Proposed Amendment to Its Bylaw by Gideon Rop

ICANN has been busy in managing several parallel processes that are also closely tied together in one way or the other. The processes include the new gTLD process, the IANA transition and most currently and important action yet that would act as the synergizing factor is the accountability process. ICANN has also posted for public comment proposed Bylaws revisions that would incorporate a higher voting threshold for the Board to determine not to follow the advice of the Governmental Advisory Committee.

< <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_dca_trust_strongly_urges_icann_not_to_adopt_proposed_amendment/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_dca_trust_strongly_urges_icann_not_to_adopt_proposed_amendment/>





VeriSign?s Top Line Performance To Be Masked By Growth In ccTLDs

VeriSign is a provider of registry services for .com and .net domain names, with a market share of approximately 47% in 2013 in the Domain Name System (DNS) market, according to our estimates. The company has a market capitalization of $7.15 billion and reported annual revenues of about $965 million last fiscal year. VeriSign competes with other domain registration service providers such as NeuStar and Afilias.

< <http://www.trefis.com/stock/vrsn/articles/253940/verisigns-top-line-performance-to-be-masked-by-growth-in-cctlds/2014-09-04> http://www.trefis.com/stock/vrsn/articles/253940/verisigns-top-line-performance-to-be-masked-by-growth-in-cctlds/2014-09-04>


The auDA Foundation's support for Internet projects promoting mental health and wellbeing

People of all ages and backgrounds are turning to the Internet for information and support for mental health challenges, or to improve their general psychological wellbeing.

< <http://www.auda.org.au/blog/the-auda-foundations-support-for-internet-projects-promoting-mental-health-and-wellbeing/> http://www.auda.org.au/blog/the-auda-foundations-support-for-internet-projects-promoting-mental-health-and-wellbeing/>


Call for nominations for election to auDA Board

The election will take place at auDA's Annual General Meeting, to be held on 27 October 2014 in Melbourne.

< <http://www.auda.org.au/news/call-for-nominations-for-election-to-auda-board-2014/> http://www.auda.org.au/news/call-for-nominations-for-election-to-auda-board-2014/>


de: eco Ensures Legal Certainty for German Registrars

Accreditation contracts that ICANN as a company enters into with registrars do not always comply in all points with the legal requirements of the country where the registrar has their headquarters ? for example, in the area of Blanket Data Retention, which is not permissible in Germany.

< <http://international.eco.de/2014/news/eco-ensures-legal-certainty-for-german-registrars.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/news/eco-ensures-legal-certainty-for-german-registrars.html>


eu: Languages on the move in the Internet landscape

?Only by pursuing a policy of multilingualism in Internet access can we give effect to our policy of an Internet that is truly global, and truly accessible to all,? states European Commission Vice-President, Neelie Kroes, in the foreword of the IDN World Report 2014 produced by EURid with UNESCO in cooperation with Verisign and the ccTLD regional organisations (CENTR, LACTLD, APTLD and AFTLD).

< <http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/sep-2014/languages-move-internet-landscape> http://www.eurid.eu/en/news/sep-2014/languages-move-internet-landscape>

< <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/eurid-languages-move-internet-landscape/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/eurid-languages-move-internet-landscape/>

< <http://www.domainnews.com/languages-on-move-internet-landscape.html> http://www.domainnews.com/languages-on-move-internet-landscape.html>


Norwegian Individuals More Likely To Get Their Own Domain Under .NO

Norwegian individuals are more likely to register a .no domain name now they can register one directly under .no rather than under .priv.no, as was the case prior to 17 June.

< <http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/norwegian-individuals-domain/> http://www.domainpulse.com/2014/09/07/norwegian-individuals-domain/>

< <http://www.domainnews.com/norwegian-individuals-own-domain.html> http://www.domainnews.com/norwegian-individuals-own-domain.html>


no: Private individuals more likely to get themselves a domain name

This survey measures certain aspects of how private individuals in Norway use the Internet, and their views and attitudes towards domain names in particular. The survey also measures whether Norwegians are more likely to register a domain names for private use after .no was opened for private individuals in June 2014.

< <http://www.norid.no/statistikk/su/omdomme-2014.en.html> http://www.norid.no/statistikk/su/omdomme-2014.en.html>





How the Fashion Industry will use New gTLDs by Jennifer Wolfe

The fashion industry is always one season ahead. But is it ready for a digital transformation with gTLDs? Many big fashion and luxury brands applied for their own gTLD. What could we expect in the fashion space as new gTLDs create new digital worlds for top brands? Let?s start with who applied. In fashion, we saw some big fashion houses like Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Tiffany, Calvin Klein, Cartier, Coach, as well as powerhouse luxury Richemont with its suite of luxury brands: Omega, Piaget, and Chloe, Mont Blanc, to name just a few. 

< <http://info.wolfedomain.com/blog/bid/394130/How-the-Fashion-Industry-will-use-New-gTLDs> http://info.wolfedomain.com/blog/bid/394130/How-the-Fashion-Industry-will-use-New-gTLDs>


>From Wearable Technology to gTLDs, How to Keep Up with the Internet, Innovation and ICANN

INTA will host an advanced-level conference on September 18?19 in San Francisco, titled ?Internet, Innovation and ICANN: The Evolving Landscape of the Net,? to dig deeper into the ICANN process and other issues concerning the ever-changing online environment.

< <http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/FromWearableTechnologytogTLDsHowtoKeepUpwiththeInternetInnovationandICANN.aspx> http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pages/FromWearableTechnologytogTLDsHowtoKeepUpwiththeInternetInnovationandICANN.aspx>


Going global: geographic gTLDs prepare for take-off

Last week the ?.hamburg? string hit general availability and quickly burst into the top-25 list of new gTLDs in terms of registration numbers. In many respects, geographic strings have a competitive edge over generic strings and ? with 11 currently in sunrise ? we will soon be able to better assess their true impact.

< <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/blog/Detail.aspx?g=b2d19947-399e-4fdf-af30-f1fbf0878693> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/blog/Detail.aspx?g=b2d19947-399e-4fdf-af30-f1fbf0878693>


.???? Brings the Promise of a New Digital India by Ram Mohan

On August 27, 2014, the world became a bit more connected as the Internet welcomed more than 400 million Hindi language speakers in their own language. .???? (.Bharat), which means India in the Hindi language, was inaugurated on August 27 in New Delhi by Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, India's Minister of Law & Justice and Communications & Information Technology.

< <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_dot_bharat_brings_the_promise_of_a_new_digital_india/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_dot_bharat_brings_the_promise_of_a_new_digital_india/>


Top 10 Tips for Building a TLD Affiliate Network Using Social Media by Jennie-Marie Larsen

It makes the strategist in my heart sing when I see that most of the new gTLDs labeled generic are in fact words that speak to a specific niche. Most are even so specific that the average person, a friend sitting next to you at a dinner party, your parents, can understand how a space online dedicated to that word might be a reasonable option for that audience and the names they chose online. And then inevitably you are forced to trot along the path of 'what about .com??!' with said dinner party guest.

< <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_top_10_tips_for_building_tld_affiliate_network_using_social_media/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140904_top_10_tips_for_building_tld_affiliate_network_using_social_media/>


.Hotel applicants question CPE panel decision

Six companies that saw their bids for the .hotel domain name die as a result of a Community Priority Evaluation decision in favor of HOTEL Top-Level-Domain S.a.r.l have asked ICANN for information regarding the decision.

< <http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/04/hotel-applicants-question-cpe-panel-decision/> http://domainnamewire.com/2014/09/04/hotel-applicants-question-cpe-panel-decision/>


You've Got .EMAIL: Trusting the .EMAIL Space

Cybersquatting* remains a prevalent issue in the legacy gTLD space ? .COM, .INFO, etc. ? and the practice is already commonplace in the new gTLD space as well. As we've noted before, there are reports of cybersquatting in new gTLDs such as .CLOTHING and .GURU.

< <http://cadna.org/blog/2014/9/4/youve-got-email-trusting-the-email-space> http://cadna.org/blog/2014/9/4/youve-got-email-trusting-the-email-space>


Is It Time for Me to Sell Blunders.com?

Remember 1997? It was the height of the dot-com bubble. And everyone was registering domain names with unrealistic hopes and dreams of developing profitable, pure-play internet businesses.

< <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-fox/is-it-time-for-me-to-sell_b_5716223.html> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-fox/is-it-time-for-me-to-sell_b_5716223.html>


Limitations of .Brand Search Engines by Alex Tajirian

The essay outlines the necessary success factors for a niche search engine and raises doubt regarding the role of .Branding in niche engines' success. Some search engines want to target a niche market, not Google. Unlike Google, they're targeted and they are profitable that way. Consider Kayak (travel), Zillow (real estate), Yelp (reviews), and .xxx (adult websites).

< <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140905_limitations_of_brand_search_engines/> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20140905_limitations_of_brand_search_engines/>





In case of cyber attack: NATO members ready to pledge mutual defense

The United States and the other 27 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization plan to aid the defense of any other NATO country in the event of a major cyber attack, according to an agreement that will be ratified this week at a major alliance meeting.

< <http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/in-case-of-cyberattack-nato-members-ready-to-pledge-mutual-defense/> http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/in-case-of-cyberattack-nato-members-ready-to-pledge-mutual-defense/>


?We are talking about a public interest activity, the backbone and sustainability of our information society.?

Much of our IT security is privately owned - and at the same time surely a matter of public concern. Karine e Silva (L.L.M.) works for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT in Leuven, Belgium and researches on how private and public stakeholders can collaborate as partners to create a better Internet for everybody.

< <http://international.eco.de/2014/news/we-are-talking-about-a-public-interest-activity-the-backbone-and-sustainability-of-our-information-society.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/news/we-are-talking-about-a-public-interest-activity-the-backbone-and-sustainability-of-our-information-society.html>


Trust is Good ? Security is Better

Since the revelations by Edward Snowden, at the latest, no company, public office or user can afford to ignore the urgency of the topic Security in the Internet. Up-to-date information from international Security experts, combined with efficient security solutions and abundant opportunities for exchanging information and experience: All this is offered at the Internet Security Days on the 24 ? 25 September. 

< <http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/trust-is-good-security-is-better.html> http://international.eco.de/2014/press-releases/trust-is-good-security-is-better.html>





Google obtains transfer of 'glass' domain name under UDRP

Search engine giant Google has obtained the transfer of the domain name 'glassforsnap.com' under the UDRP based on its GLASS mark. Interestingly, while the NAF panel noted that 'snap' referred to photos taken with the Snapchat app, it did not consider whether the owners of Snapchat could or should have any rights in the domain name, or whether transferring it to Google was improper in view of the presence of the SNAP mark in the domain name.

< <http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Daily/Detail.aspx?g=110de50c-8f2b-46ba-8f25-58dbec7cf47b> http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Daily/Detail.aspx?g=110de50c-8f2b-46ba-8f25-58dbec7cf47b>


High Burden For Reverse Hijacking Maintained

For a classic UDRP lesson, we can open our books to the complaint filed over <nuvotv.com> and <nuvotv.net>. This is a lecture on only hiring a counsel who is specifically experienced in domain name enforcement.

< <http://domainnamestrategy.com/2014/09/02/high-burden-for-reverse-hijacking-maintained/> http://domainnamestrategy.com/2014/09/02/high-burden-for-reverse-hijacking-maintained/>


Mark Livesey QC and The New South Wales Bar Association v. Derek Minus and Dispute Resolution Associates Pty Ltd. - Case No. DAU2014-0011

1. The Parties: The Complainants are Mark Livesey QC (?First Complainant?), authorised to act on behalf of the Australian Bar Association, and The New South Wales Bar Association (?Second Complainant?), both of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, both represented by Worthy of the Name Pty Ltd, Australia. The Respondents are Derek Minus (?First Respondent?) and Dispute Resolution Associates Pty Ltd. (?Second Respondent?), both of Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia, both represented by the First Respondent. 2. The Domain Names and Registrar: The disputed domain names <austbar.com.au> and <baradr.com.au> are registered with Web Address Registration Pty Ltd.

< <http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/search/text.jsp?case=DAU2014-0011> http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/search/text.jsp?case=DAU2014-0011>



- IPv4/IPv6


IPv6 insecurities on ?IPv4-only? networks

When people hear about IPv6-specific security issues, they frequently tend to rate this as an argument in favour of delaying or avoiding IPv6 deployment on their enterprise or campus network. Even without IPv6 being consciously deployed, however, some of the IPv6-related security issues were already introduced to most networks many years ago. The reason for this is simple: IPv6 is implemented in all common operating systems and enabled by default. We introduced hosts with these operating systems on our networks several years ago ? be they clients on the office network or servers in a data centre or DMZ.

< <http://securityblog.switch.ch/2014/08/26/ipv6-insecurities-on-ipv4-only-networks/> http://securityblog.switch.ch/2014/08/26/ipv6-insecurities-on-ipv4-only-networks/>


APNIC receives an IPv4 /12 from IANA

APNIC yesterday received its second allocation from IANA?s Recovered Pool of IPv4 addresses ? a /12 block of IPv4, or to be precise.

< <http://blog.apnic.net/2014/09/04/apnic-receives-an-ipv4-12-from-iana/> http://blog.apnic.net/2014/09/04/apnic-receives-an-ipv4-12-from-iana/>





Irina Danelia: ?A new world of IDN gives us unique possibilities?

This week 9th International Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is taking place in Istanbul. The forum will last four days, from 2 to 5 of September. Around two thousand and a half representatives of governments, private sector and civil society from many countries of the world take part. Representatives of the Coordination Center for TLD RU and Technical Center of Internet are among the delegates.

< <http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=5998> http://cctld.ru/en/news/news_detail.php?ID=5998>


Second Half of Indian Domain Conference Doubleheader Coming up Sunday When DomainX Convenes in Hyderabad

India's first pair of conferences devoted solely to domain investing will be completed Sunday (Sept. 7, 2014) when the DomainX Conference makes its debut in Hyderabad. The event, being staged by the Domain Name Owners Association of India at the Hyderabad Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, follows the inaugural World Domain Day conference that was held August 24 at the Avasa Hotel in the same city.

< <http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2014/dailyposts/20140905.htm> http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2014/dailyposts/20140905.htm>


The Domain World's Leading Diplomat: How Jothan Frakes Has Broken Down Barriers and Brought People Together 

If the domain industry was the United Nations (and as a global business it does have some similarities), then Jothan Frakes would be the obvious choice for Secretary-General. There are very few people who have as much experience and as many contacts as Frakes does across all sectors of this industry. He is well-known and respected in the domain investment arena, the service provider community and in ICANN circles after years of being deeply involved in all three.

< <http://dnjournal.com/cover/2014/july-august.htm> http://dnjournal.com/cover/2014/july-august.htm>





Netcraft: Most Reliable Hosting Company Sites in August 2014

EveryCity had the most reliable hosting company site in August, with only one failed request. EveryCity has been in business for more than seven years, during which time it has hosted websites for many global brands, including Disney, Ikea, Lego, MTV, Skype, SoundCloud and Thomson Reuters.

< <http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/09/05/most-reliable-hosting-company-sites-in-august-2014.html> http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/09/05/most-reliable-hosting-company-sites-in-august-2014.html>





Freelancer.com Launches Freemarket, Another Place To Sell Domain Names And Websites

There?s money in them second-hand domain names, and used websites that may otherwise be heading to the deadpool. Job outsourcing marketplace Freelancer.com, which IPOed last year, is expanding into the business of domain name reselling and website offloading, with what it claims are better rates than those offered by competing marketplaces.

< <http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/04/freemarket/> http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/04/freemarket/>


Sculpting PPC Success

Building a successful pay-per-click (PPC) campaign can sometimes be viewed as "sculpting" in the sense that you need to chip away at the parts that won't help you achieve your conversion goals until you are left with a strategy that works.

< <http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/2363522/sculpting-ppc-success> http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/2363522/sculpting-ppc-success>


Brisbane lawyer Neil Lawler is master of his domain (name) and about 200 other website addresses

NEIL Lawler is the proud licensee of around 200 domain names and he thinks some of them could be quite valuable one day.

< <http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/brisbane-lawyer-neil-lawler-is-master-of-his-domain-name-and-about-200-other-website-addresses/story-fnihsps3-1227049478686> http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/brisbane-lawyer-neil-lawler-is-master-of-his-domain-name-and-about-200-other-website-addresses/story-fnihsps3-1227049478686>


The Flood Gates Open: Release of 2Q-2014 Sales at DomainNameSales.com Inundates the Charts With High End Sales

What a difference a week makes. Last week we were talking about the aftermarket taking a nap - this week it's party time! For starters, we have been able to confirm that the Check.com sale we mentioned last week was for exactly $1 million, allowing us to chart the domain this week.

< <http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2014/20140903.htm> http://dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2014/20140903.htm>





Facebook ready to spend billions to bring whole world online - Zuckerberg

Facebook Inc is prepared to spend billions of dollars to reach its goal of bringing the Internet to everyone on the planet, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Friday.

< <http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/09/05/uk-facebook-internet-idUKKBN0H028520140905> http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/09/05/uk-facebook-internet-idUKKBN0H028520140905>





Greenpeace Green Gadgets: Designing the Future

Since 2006 Greenpeace has been campaigning to green our electronics, challenging the sector?s leading companies to reduce their environmental footprint and meet the growing demand for greener devices. >From acting to combat climate change by increasing the use of renewable energy in the supply chain, to helping to build a toxic-free future by eliminating the worst hazardous chemicals, now is the moment for the industry to help us design a different future.

< <http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/toxics/electronics/Guide-to-Greener-Electronics/Green-Gadgets/> http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/toxics/electronics/Guide-to-Greener-Electronics/Green-Gadgets/>


The language of the internet of things: More and more devices are becoming connected, but will they speak the same language?

There was a time, not long ago, when access to the internet could be gained only through a computer. Now people can get to it using phones, tablets and some games consoles. Increasingly, other devices are becoming internet-linked too, as connectivity is extended to everyday objects such as televisions, radios, watches and cars.

< <http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21615067-more-and-more-devices-are-becoming-connected-will-they-speak-same> http://www.economist.com/news/technology-quarterly/21615067-more-and-more-devices-are-becoming-connected-will-they-speak-same>





ITU and UNICEF release new Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Children?s Fund (UNICEF), and partners of the Child Online Protection Initiative, today released updated Guidelines to strengthen online protection for children.

< <http://www.itu.int/net/pressoffice/press_releases/2014/45.aspx> http://www.itu.int/net/pressoffice/press_releases/2014/45.aspx>





au: Time to hit downloaders hard, musicians say

The non-profit organisation that collects and distributes song-writing royalties to over 80,000 musicians throughout Australia and New Zealand has called for stiff penalties for consumers of pirated material online and refuted claims that better availability of content will solve Australia?s piracy problems.

< <http://www.afr.com/p/technology/time_to_hit_downloaders_hard_musicians_I2U2UTnqp58swCoB8P5rkJ> http://www.afr.com/p/technology/time_to_hit_downloaders_hard_musicians_I2U2UTnqp58swCoB8P5rkJ>





Australian Crime Commission rejects limits on website blocking

The Australian Crime Commission has rejected calls for limits on the government agencies that can issue notices under Section 313 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.

< <http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/554221/australian-crime-commission-rejects-limits-website-blocking/> http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/554221/australian-crime-commission-rejects-limits-website-blocking/>





International Chamber of Commerce: Trade Secret Law Should Be Harmonized, Included in TPP

As Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiators began this week?s round of talks in Hanoi, the International Chamber of Commerce issued a white paper urging the inclusion of strong trade secret provisions in the agreement.

< <http://infojustice.org/archives/33219> http://infojustice.org/archives/33219>



David Goldstein

 email:  <mailto:david at goldsteinreport.com> david at goldsteinreport.com

 web:    <http://goldsteinreport.com/> http://goldsteinreport.com /  <http://davidgoldstein.tel/> http://davidgoldstein.tel/
 phone:  <tel:%2B61%20418%20228%20605> +61 418 228 605 ? mobile /  <tel:%2B61%202%209663%203430> +61 2 9663 3430 - office/home

"Every time you use fossil fuels, you're adding to the problem. Every time you forgo fossil fuels, you're being part of the solution" - Dr Tim Flannery


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