Re: DNS: you got to be joking??????????

Re: DNS: you got to be joking??????????

From: Ian McKellar <imckellar§>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 12:53:01 +0800
On Mon, May 11, 1998 at 07:50:11PM +1000, vicc&#167; wrote:
> >Peter Gerrand proposed that
> >ADNA should be concerned with industry self-regulation of all DNS activities
> >in Australia, eg including in addition to the existing .au namespace. 
> oh god.
> lets not stop with domains, lets regulate login names and URLS too.
> last thing we want is someone to gain an unsightly advantage by having
> a flashy URL or email address.

Cool! Then we could have "Alternative Login Name Authorities" demanding the we
let them log into our systems with their "alternative" login names! And, 
selling "alternative" accounts on our systems - of course its our fault not
theirs that we don't support them. Hmmm...


Ian McKellar           imckellar&#167;
Web Author / Programmer      Phone: +61 8 9389 6200
Harvest Road Communications    Fax: +61 8 9389 6201
PGPkey: finger ian&#167;  ICQ: 5628269

Tell me do you really know your brother man
Cause a heart speaks louder than a colour can
And why would you even shake a man's hand
If you're not going to help him stand
                            -- Ben Harper (Jah Work)

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