[DNS] Interesting Article: .au ranks as one of the safest name-spaces in the world.

[DNS] Interesting Article: .au ranks as one of the safest name-spaces in the world.

From: George Pongas <george.pongas§ausregistry.com.au>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:57:24 +1100
Totally agree, with your perspective on this Brett. Information like this should always be analysed.

For example: What I find curious is that .jp was the most secure ccTLD.

What is interesting about .JP is that is open to international registrations at the second level. 
Only local presence is required to register a .JP domain name, and you can use a Proxy service if you are outside Japan. 
For .CO.JP domains, you must have a registered company located in Japan.

So what does this say about the fear of opening up .au second level registrations to international entities? Are these fears actually warranted? 
Clearly not, if you look towards Japan's ccTLD example. What is .JP doing that is different to give them the number #1 trusted ccTLD (according to Mcafee that is).

Best Regards,

George Pongas
.au Services Manager
AusRegistry Pty Ltd
Level 8, 10 Queens Road
Melbourne. Victoria. Australia. 3004. 
Ph:? +61 3 9866 3710
Fax: +61 3 9866 1970
Email: George.Pongas&#167;ausregistry.com.au
Web: ?www.ausregistry.com.au

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: dns-bounces+chris.shaw=ausregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org [mailto:dns-
> bounces+chris.shaw=ausregistry.com.au&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of Brett
> Fenton
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 October 2010 11:47 AM
> To: .au DNS Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [DNS] Interesting Article: .au ranks as one of the safest name-
> spaces in the world.
> It is George, but you need to be careful in simply drawing the conclusion
> domain policy=security.
> For example NZ rated as marginally more secure, and they have a completely
> open domain policy ie the same as .com, or I could pick out say .ie which has
> an open second level but criteria around domain use, or Germany (.de)
> which is
> rated marginally less secure.
> I'd argue having a strong regulator participating in all levels of the space
> would have more to do with the ranking than the existing policy. Wait did I
> just say something good about auDA?
> Regards,
> Brett
> > Given that the current Names Panel is reviewing .au policy, this article is
> > quite topical. http://us.mcafee.com/en-
> us/local/docs/Mapping_Mal_Web.pdf
> >
> > .au ranks amongst the safest in the world.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > George Pongas
> > .au Services Manager
> > AusRegistry Pty Ltd
> > Level 8, 10 Queens Road
> > Melbourne. Victoria. Australia. 3004.
> > Ph:  +61 3 9866 3710
> > Fax: +61 3 9866 1970
> > Email: George.Pongas&#167;ausregistry.com.au
> > Web:  www.ausregistry.com.au<http://www.ausregistry.com.au/>
> >
> > The information contained in this communication is intended for the
> named
> > recipients only. It is subject to copyright and may contain legally
> > privileged and confidential information and if you are not an intended
> > recipient you must not use, copy, distribute or take any action in
> > reliance on it. If you have received this communication in error, please
> > delete all copies from your system and notify us immediately.
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Received on Tue Oct 26 2010 - 18:57:24 UTC

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