DNS: grrrrrr

DNS: grrrrrr

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc§cia.com.au>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 15:48:19 +1100 (EST)
>_From: Adam Todd
> See people, th eproblme is not that I can do what I say, it's that they
> can't act on their side of the deal.  These ADNA menbers and associates are
> so scared, first they tell me I'm grand standing, so I produce the start of
> a list of possible's, then they tell me I'm a git (whatever that is) and
> that I'm wasting time.

adam, I thought I went on, I am here to reform dns! can we just
cut to the quick what is it you want in one paragraph?

Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 16:41:28 UTC

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