DNS: ADNA's first decisions - Minuted

DNS: ADNA's first decisions - Minuted

From: Peter Gerrand <ceo§MelbourneIT.com.au>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 19:00:16 +1000
Please find attached in Rich Text Format (and in simple text below) the
Minutes of ADNA's AGM and first Board Meeting on 23 June, for the
information of all interested in the evolution of the Domain Name System
in Australia. (These Minutes have yet to be formally approved by the
ADNA Directors, but have their concurrence to be released at this

Peter Gerrand
Secretary, ADNA

10.00 am on 23 June 1997 at the offices of Phillips Fox (Level 11, 255
Elizabeth St) in Sydney


1. Identification of Members and Non-Members present

ADNA's solicitor Nicol Delbaere reported that documents had been
received identifying the following nominees of ADNA's subscribers:

Full Members: (5)                                                      

Intiaa  (Internet Industry Association of Australia)            Luke
ATUG (Australian Telecommunications Users Group Ltd)    Allan
AIA     (Australian Internet Alliance (Inc))                           
Kevin Dinn
Tradegate (Tradegate Australia Ltd)                             Mark
WAIA    (Western Australian Internet association (Inc))         Peter

Associate Members: (DNAs) (2)

com.au: Melbourne IT    (Melbourne Information
Technologies                                             Australia
Pty Ltd)                        Peter Gerrand
asn.au:   Michael Malone                                               
Michael Malone  
Non-Members present as prospective Members:

Steve Baxter     representing SAIA (South Australian Internet
Leni Mayo               Director, Top Level Registries
Michael Biber representing the Frame Relay Forum, ATM Interest Group
Pty             Ltd, and ACIF (Australian Communications Industry

In attendance:  Nicol Delbaere  (Phillips Fox - solicitors to ADNA)
                        Mary-Jane Silver     (Intiaa secretariat)
2. Election of Directors
Moved Allan Horsley: That the accredited nominees present of the five
Full Members and two Associate Members (listed above) be elected
Directors of ADNA.                                                     
3. Appointment of Auditor

Moved Mark Hughes: That Ernst and Young be appointed Auditors to ADNA.
Carried unanimously

4. Election of Chairperson
Luke Carruthers declined permanent appointment as Chairperson but agreed
to continue as interim Chairman until a suitable independent Chairperson
could be appointed.
Action 1. Members to send nominations for an independent Chairperson to
Luke Carruthers by Thursday 26 June 1997.
Moved Michael Malone: that Luke Carruthers be appointed interim
Chairperson.                                            Carried

5. Memoranda and Articles
Membership.  It was proposed that an additional class of non-voting
Affiliate Membership be created to cater for individual companies or
individual persons having an interest in the objectives of ADNA.  A
threshold fee of perhaps $500 for companies and $100 for individuals was
Allan Horsely moved: that a Special Resolution be foreshadowed for the
next General Meeting to create a new class of non-voting Affiliate
Membership for individual persons or companies at an affordable fee,
with the fee being set by the Board from time to
time.                                  Carried

>From general discussion of the M & A, it was agreed that it was
desirable for ADNA to produce a two-page document describing in simple
terms what ADNA is and what it intends to do, and make this document
available on the ADNA WebPages.                                 Action:
Chairman and Secretary

It was also considered desirable for ADNA to develop a relationship with
ACIF, the new umbrella industry self-regulatory organisation for the
telecommunications industry.            Action: Michael Biber

Michael Malone reported that the domain name adna.asn.au has been
reserved, and will be registered when the ASC confirms ADNA's company

Luke Carruthers mentioned that he had been contacted by would-be Domain
Name Administrators for net.au, gov.au and org.au.   

6. Reports from Working Groups

Michael Malone reported no progress from the Software Development WG and
the Systems Audit Review WG, as most effort had gone into contributing
to the DNA Selection WG.  However he had made some progress in
developing software to support multiple DNAs in a single domain. 
Action 2. Michael Malone to send information on multiple-DNA software to
other members of the Software Development WG. 

Kevin Dinn tabled a report from the DNA Selection Group. The Industry
Associations represented at the meeting were invited to comment on the
initial recommendations. Their comments were as follows:
(1) SAIA: "The man in the street can't see anything wrong (with domain
name administration), since com.au has been fixed."
(2) WAIA:  "It may be useful to hold a public forum to discuss the
(3) ATUG: "(Our members) want a neutral, competitive, efficient DNA,
that will give fair treatment and prompt action. Note that the ACCC is
wary of any element of collusion. Justice needs to be seen to be done:
therefore be wary of vertical integration. The appearance and reality of
competitive neutrality are both necessary. ADNA should provide a set of
criteria for DNAs, including a Code of Practice for DNAs, subject to
audit, that DNAs must sign up for." 
(4) Tradegate: "It may be desirable to have separation between the DNA
role and the ISP role, but it is difficult to enforce this in the real

Action 3. Leni Mayo to produce draft text for a Code of Practice and a
set of Selection Criteria for DNAs, by e-mail to the Directors by
Thursday 26 June. 

Mark Hughes reported on the Funding Working Group. ADNA will incur
expenses for legal services, auditing services, office expenses and for
teleconferencing. Revenue will come from membership fees and DNA fees.  

It was agreed that the financial plan would be discussed in the Board of
Directors' Meeting immediately after the AGM. 

The AGM was closed at 12.28 pm.  

 Minutes of Board of Directors' Meeting #1.

12.30 pm on 23 June 1997 at Level 11, 255 Elizabeth St, Sydney.

Present:  Luke Carruthers (Chairperson), Peter Gerrand, Mark Hughes,
Michael Malone, Peter Cooper, Kevin Dinn, Steve Baxter (SAIA)

1. Membership

Moved by Mark Hughes: that SAIA be approved as a Full Member.
Carried unanimously

Moved by Peter Gerrand: that Steve Baxter and Peter Cooper be co-opted
as Directors.                                                      
Carried unanimously

2. Appointment of Officers

Moved by Steve Baxter: that Peter Gerrand and Mark Hughes be
re-appointed as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.       Carried

Moved by Luke Carruthers: that the Secretary be the delegated public
officer of the company for tax purposes.                               
Carried unanimously

3. Membership Fees

ADNA has currently received $7,000 in Membership fees. It was agreed
that Michael Malone's fee as Associate Member would be waived while he
is the DNA for a non-fee paying domain (asn.au).
Legal expenses alone are likely to exceed ADNA's current cash balance
before end of 1997.

Action 4. Members are asked to provide a loan to ADNA of $1,000 each as
an advance on their membership fee for 1998.  Those unable to do so, are
asked to advise the Treasurer.

4. Creating a competitive market for Second Level Domains

Moved by Peter Gerrand: that in 1997 ADNA give priority to Second Level
Domains for the business community.                     Carried

Action 5. Kevin Dinn to produce draft text for Selection Criteria for
new 2LDs, by Thursday 26 June. (NB: this complements Action 2 from the

5. Timetable

5.1     By Thursday 26/6: Draft text ready for following Policy
á Selection Criteria for new DNAs
á Code of Practice for DNAs
á Selection Criteria for new Second Level Domains
5.2     Friday-Sunday (27-29/6): Board to review draft text via e-mail.
5.3     Monday 30/6: Release Draft Policies for Public Comment (via
dns&#167;intiaa mailing lists, ADNA website and via ADNA Member Associations
by hard copy and e-mail). Comments sought by 31 July.
5.4     18 August: ADNA Board Meeting to review public responses and
release  revised Policies, and invite applications for new Second Level
Domains and for new Domain Name Administrators.

6. General Business

Action 6.  Peter Gerrand, Michael Malone and Peter Cooper to collaborate
on producing a Press Release on the ADNA Board's decisions, to be ready
by Thursday 26 June.  This Press Release to be put on the Melbourne IT

Action 7.  Steve Baxter to coordinate the distribution of documents to
all Members.

Next meeting of the Board: 2-5 pm on August 18, by teleconference (to be
organised by Intiaa). 


Action 1. Members to send nominations for an independent Chairperson to
Luke Carruthers by Thursday 26 June 1997.

Action 2. Michael Malone to send information on multiple-DNA software to
other members of the Software Development WG. 

Action 3. Leni Mayo to produce draft text for a Code of Practice and a
set of Selection Criteria for DNAs, by e-mail to the Directors by
Thursday 26 June. 

Action 4. Members are asked to provide a loan to ADNA of $1,000 each as
an advance on their membership fee for 1998.  Those unable to do so, are
asked to advise the Treasurer.

Action 5. Kevin Dinn to produce draft text for Selection Criteria for
new 2LDs, by Thursday 26 June.  

Action 6.  Peter Gerrand, Michael Malone and Peter Cooper to collaborate
in producing a Press Release on the ADNA Board's decisions, to be ready
by Thursday 26 June.  This Press Release to be put on the Melbourne IT

Action 7.  Steve Baxter to coordinate the distribution of documents to
all Members.


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